From 08.09.24 to 11.09.24Meet us for the 18th conference on methods and applications in fluorescence at the Conference Centre of Valencia, Spain

The 18th edition of this series of Conferences (MAF2024) will be held at the Conference Centre of Valencia, Spain, from September 8 to 11, 2024.
MAF is a prestigious conference which has been held since 1988 and gathers worldwide researchers eager to communicate and discuss in a pleasant atmosphere their recent advances on super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy, imaging, design of photoactive molecules to serve as sensors and probes, in addition to the application of photoactive nanomaterials in photonics and optoelectronics, applications ranging from materials research to life sciences, etc. Junior and senior researchers from around the world, as well as journals and industry stakeholders, are welcome to join this amazing conference.
The conference includes plenary and invited lectures, as well as, oral presentations and posters.
Our experts will be here to exchange with you and present our latest solution for this field !