PhysBio 2024
From 26.06.24 to 28.06.24The 7th International Conference on Physics and Biological Systems will be held on Jun. 26-28 2024 at Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, in the south of Paris.

It aims to bring together a broad range of physical and life scientists working at the interface between the two disciplines around in-depth talks by first-rate international speakers.
All talks will take place in amphithéatre Gay Lussac.
Invited speakers :
- Jean-Christophe Baret (U. Bordeaux, France)
- Laure Buhry (U. of Lorraine)
- Chase Broedersz (Vrije U., the Netherlands)
- Cécile Charrier (ENS Paris, France)
- Peter Dedecker (U. of Leuven, Belgium)
- Roberto Di Leonardo (Sapienza U. di Roma, Italy)
- Thomas Gregor (Princeton U., USA)
- Joe Howard (Yale U., USA)
- Benoit Landrein (ENS Lyon, France)
- Séverine Le Gac (U. of Twente, the Netherlands)
- Manuel Maestre-Reyna (Natl Taiwan U., Taiwan)
- Andreas Möglich (U. Bayreuth, Germany)
- Miguel Munoz (U. of Granada)
- Naomi Nakayama (Imperial College London, UK)
- Teuta Pilizota (U. of Edinburgh, UK)
- Sarah Robinson (U. of Cambridge, UK)
- Tony Stoecker (DZNE, Germany)
- Dominik Bucher (T. U. Munich, Germany)