Optics & Photonics in Sweden conference 2024
From 05.11.24 to 08.11.24This year PhotonicSweden will arrange OPS-2024 at Chalmers University of Technology, Lindholmen Conference Centre, in Göteborgn Sweden.

Keynote speakers:
Anne L’Huillier, Nobel laureate in physics 2023, Professor at Lund University. “The route to attosecond light pulses”
Francesco Poletti, Professor at University of Southampton. “Hollow core fibres: when less is more”
Per Nordlund, Lead Optical Designer at Victor Hasselblad AB. “Hasselblad’s history and today’s development process in modern optics”
Ödgärd Andersson, Chief Executive Officer at Zenseact. “The quickest path to road safety is through high-performing AI. As cars become robots, we create software to make sure they behave.”
Our experts will be here to exchange with you and present our latest solution for this field !