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SPIE Photonex 2024

From 30.10.24 to 31.10.24

Meet us at the SPIE Photonex 2024, UK’s premier photonics techniques and processes exhibition, at Manchester Central Convention Complex, in Manchester, UK

SPIE Photonex 2024

See the newest products and solutions at this focused exhibition.

Meet us, with representatives from leading companies, connect with colleagues, and learn the latest advances in photonics, biophotonics, quantum technologies, lasers, optical technologies, materials analysis, nanotechnology, and thin film coatings vacuum equipment and in-vacuum technologies.

Hear presentations on Silicon Photonics and Functional Materials that push the technology readiness level forward for Quantum Technologies. Visit the Photonics Marketplace and learn where photonics applications and funding opportunities will make a difference to your future.

Our experts will be here to exchange with you and present our latest solution for this field !